Tag Archives: goals

Holding Coworkers Accountable in the Workplace

Holding Coworkers Accountable in the Workplace

Working with others can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences – also one of the most challenging. It’s important to hold your coworkers accountable for their work, but it can often be difficult to know exactly how to do this in a way that encourages collaboration and respect. Let’s discuss some tips on how to hold your coworkers accountable while still fostering a healthy working relationship.

Set Clear Expectations

One of the most important steps you can take when it comes to holding your coworkers accountable is setting clear expectations from the start. Does everyone on your team understand what is expected of them? Are they aware that they will face consequences for not meeting those expectations? This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that no one takes advantage of any ambiguity.

Communicate Effectively

Good communication is key when it comes to holding people accountable at work. You should be clear about what needs to get done, by when, and why it’s important. If there are any changes or updates, let everyone know right away so they have time to adjust accordingly. Keep an open dialogue with your team. Everyone will feel more comfortable speaking up if they have any questions or concerns about a project or task.

Make Sure Everyone Is Heard

Even if your business does not always implement everyone’s ideas, it’s important to make sure everyone feels heard in the workplace. By making sure everyone has input into projects, you will foster an environment where people feel comfortable speaking up and voicing their opinions without fear of judgment. Doing this will also ensure that all ideas are taken into consideration before decisions are made, which will help ensure that tasks are completed correctly and efficiently.

Holding coworkers accountable in the workplace doesn’t have to be difficult – as long as you set clear expectations from the beginning, communicate effectively with your team every step of the way, and make sure everyone feels heard and respected throughout the process. With these tips in mind, you can build trust and collaboration between team members while still getting results!

The Importance of Overcoming Setbacks

The Importance of Overcoming Setbacks

In business, as in life, you will surely experience setbacks. These setbacks can be small, like a missed deadline, or they can be large, like losing a major client. No matter the size of the setback, it’s important that you don’t let it derail your entire operation. Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got a flat. In other words, it’s foolish and counterproductive. Here’s why you should never give up on your goals because of one setback.

Setbacks are Inevitable

Setbacks are a part of life, especially in business. You will make mistakes, and you will have days (and sometimes even weeks or months) where everything seems to be going wrong. What’s important is that you don’t let these setbacks define you or your business. Instead, view them as learning experiences and opportunities to grow.

For every setback you experience, ask yourself these three questions:

1. What went wrong?

2. What could I have done differently?

3. What can I do to prevent this from happening again?

Answers to these questions will help you learn from your mistakes and avoid making the same ones in the future. Additionally, they will also help you develop a thick skin and persevere in the face of adversity—two essential qualities for any successful entrepreneur.

Setbacks Don’t Mean You’re a Failure

Whenever you experience a setback, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Setbacks happen to everyone—even the most successful people in the world. The key is to not let them get you down and to continue moving forward toward your goals. Giving up because of one setback would be like quitting your job after having just one bad day at work. It doesn’t make sense! So don’t do it! Keep pushing forward no matter how difficult things seem at the moment and eventually you will achieve the success you’ve been striving for.

It’s important to remember that setbacks are unavoidable—but they don’t have to be permanent. View them as learning experiences and use them as an opportunity to grow. Don’t give up on your goals after just one setback—keep pushing forward no matter how difficult things seem at the moment and eventually you will achieve success!

5 Habits to Help You Achieve Your Home Business Goals

As a home business owner, you wear many hats. From CEO and CFO to chief salesperson and head of marketing, you are responsible for a lot. But even with all of these hats, you can achieve your business goals by following some simple habits.

5 Habits to Help You Achieve Your Home Business Goals
5 Habits to Help You Achieve Your Home Business Goals

1. Set a Schedule and Stick to It

One of the benefits of owning a home business is that you have more control over your time. But with this benefit comes the temptation to lounge around in your pajamas all day or take an extended break to watch Netflix. To be successful, you need to set a schedule and stick to it. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean that you can work whenever you want. Set office hours and treat them like you would if you had to commute to an office every day. This will help you stay focused and on task.

2. Get Dressed for Success

Another temptation of working from home is working in your pajamas. While there is nothing wrong with working in your PJs once in a while, it is important to get dressed for success every day. Getting ready for your workday as if you were going into an office will help put you in the right mindset to be productive. It doesn’t have to be a suit and tie—just make sure you are presentable and professional.

3. Take Breaks Throughout the Day

When you are working from home, it is easy to get sucked into your work and forget to take breaks. But it is important to take breaks throughout the day, even if they are just 10-15 minutes long. Go for a walk, make yourself a snack, or step away from your work area altogether. Taking breaks will help improve your focus and productivity. And when you return to work, you will be refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

4. Make Time for Marketing

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of any business, but it is often one of the first things to fall by the wayside when life gets busy. As a home business owner, carve out time each week to focus on marketing tasks like creating social media content, writing blog posts, or networking online. These activities will help generate leads and grow your business.

5. Delegate and Outsource When Necessary

As a home business owner, it is tempting to try to do everything yourself in order to save money. But this often leads to burnout and can actually end up costing you more money in the long run. If there are tasks you don’t have time for or are outside of your area of expertise, delegate them or outsource them to someone who can do them better than you can. This will free up your time so that you can focus on revenue-generating activities and grow your business.

Home businesses offer entrepreneurs a lot of flexibility in terms of their time and location—but with this flexibility comes the temptation to slack off or get sidetracked easily. To be successful, home business owners need to develop good habits that will help them stay on track and achieve their business goals. From setting a schedule and getting dressed for success every day to taking breaks and delegating when necessary, following these simple habits will help ensure that your home business is a success!

Hack the Life You Want


Hack the life you want

“Hack the life you want.” What does that mean exactly? There are many definitions of the word “hack” and it can take on a different meaning for every individual, but for me, it’s more like this:


verb (transitive, colloquial, by extension)

  • To apply a trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to something to increase productivity, efficiency or ease.

The celebrity chef’s new kitchen hacks book sure has helped me cut my prep time in half!

Okay, so there are other definitions of the word “hack” but we’ve established what hacking means to me for the purposes of this article. What can it mean for you? Why is this something you might want to pursue?

More time with the kiddo

My last 9-5 job was great. I felt I was paid well for the work I did. Lots of perks. Somewhat flexible start/end times. But, think about it –

  • 1-hour commute TO work (walk, bus, wait for train, walk)
  • 8 hour work day
  • ½ hour lunch
  • 1 hour, 15 min commute FROM work (walk, train, wait for bus, walk)
  • and before you ask, public transport was way cheaper than having a car.

So, all in all, I left for work before my daughter even woke up for school, spent at least 10.75 hours away from home, and had about three hours to spend with her each night before she went to bed (including dinner and homework time).

More time with the fam

Going out anywhere on a school night was a little difficult due to time constraints and other issues. At least we had the whole weekend, right? Not really. Most weekends she had Saturday school and weekends were the only times we had to do our shopping, etc. unless we sacrificed a school night. That usually left us a bit frazzled due to what I call her “autism scheduling”.


Hacking the life I wanted meant making it possible to have time to spend with my family that I hadn’t been able to do before.


No set schedule

Monday through Friday, leave the house at 6:40 am to go to work.  Get home around 5:25 pm. Every day, every week, every month. Aside from holidays and certain priority work days, nothing really changed. If I wanted time off I had to make sure I had vacation/personal time available to use, or sick time accrued if I needed to take a sick day and still get paid.

And I had to make sure someone could cover for me or run the risk of getting behind in my work. A majority of the work I did relied on email or phone communications with others at various air bases around the United States, so coming in at night kind of defeated the purpose and was, therefore, frowned upon.


Hacking the life I wanted involved being able to work on my terms, on my own flexible schedule.


Control over certain expenses

No more commute means no more bus and train fare, tolls, gas or other vehicle expenses. No more buying business attire unless, of course, you choose to. Gone are the business lunches, unless your line of work requires you to entertain prospective or current clients. Working at home can also mean certain tax benefits.


Hacking the life I wanted meant being able to work comfortably in my pajamas, sweats, jeans & t-shirt, or barefoot with a quilted parka and purple tutu if I had the mind to. Okay, maybe just the barefoot part.


Control over income

My previous jobs paid me by the hour, every other week. A set amount, only increasing if I had overtime available, got a raise, or received the occasional holiday bonus.


Hacking the life I wanted meant I could control how much or how little I worked, and be able to negotiate the rates on a majority of the projects I take on. I decided when I got a raise. I decided if I wanted to work a little extra so I could take time to go off with the fam for a bit. I decided if I wanted to crack open my laptop while on the train to the next county for a family trip to the zoo so I could enjoy the rest of the day, knowing that my work was done.


Hack the life YOU want

How can you do this with your own life? Think about the things that have control over you, and brainstorm ideas on how to take back your control. Think outside the box, outside of the traditional ways “normal” people do things. Raise your expectations exponentially. Never give up and never stop learning. You can do this. Many people do already and are reaping the many benefits of working toward a richly satisfying life that’s truly their own.
